
About me

My name is Adams from Subang Answarat and let me tell you a little about my beginnings in the world of blogger ..
Exactly January 1, 2010 New Year's Eve I read and read articles about the world of blogger 
after I read it to the end, in my mind, wow, this is interesting what Arvind Gupta 
wrote at that time (MyWapBlog), maybe friends still remember the platform MyWapBlog is already off
now that's where I got interested in the world of blogger until now ..
Honestly, I have a lot of blogs but only the rajaminus.com blog that
I seriously manage to make it better ..
yeah, even though it's still a mess heheee ..

Oh yes, about naming the name of the blog, why is my blog name diligent..
that's because every time I have a cellphone it's always minus..
it's minus the LCD, minus the touchscreen, it's mummets ...
So that's where I was inspired, finally the name of this blog was named rajaminus.com

Sorry if in one of the posts there is a writing error or there is an error link, God willing..
I will fix it as much as possible and friends can contact me via the whatsapp number below..
That's all I can explain ..

Thank you..